ASIA-PACIFIC 2023 Winter Int’l Conference Proceedings Back
ISBN - 978-989-9121-33-1
Dr. Tosaporn Mahamud
Dr. Hemantkumar P. Bulsara
Prof. Dr. Deok-seok Seo
Sr.No. | Paper Title & Author(s) | Page No. |
1 | Service Quality Development Organization Buses Bangkok Mass Transit Area 2 Kitiporn Meesee, Suthum Phongsamran | 1 |
2 | Marketing Mix Factors In Deciding to Purchase and Install CCTV Cameras In Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province Rungnapa Brown, Watchara Yeesoontes | 5 |
3 | Marketing Mix Factors that Influence the Decision to purchase an Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Electric Brand Chakorn Tamnamseen, Dr. Tosaporn Mahamud | 9 |
4 | Service Quality that Affects Customer Satisfaction J & T Express Company Limited In La Krabang District Bangkok Province Thanapone Kaewkanok & Suthum Phongsamran | 13 |
5 | Service Quality of the Service Technician Team Mitsubishi Electric Kang Yong Wattana Company Limited Pornprom Kerdchock and Suthum Phongsamran | 16 |
6 | Factors that Affect Decision Choose to use an Intermediary in providing Services Import Model Comprehensive Phetdao Minphakdee and Chinnaso Visitnitikija | 20 |
7 | Optimization Warehouse Management of the Electricity Authority Provincial Samut Songkhram Natnicha Namprom and Tosaporn Mahamud | 24 |
8 | Influencing Factors to the Decision buy a Dog Varieties French Bulldog Nattakan kanjanarungsee and Chinnaso Visitnitikija | 28 |
9 | Factors Affecting Behavior Buying Stylish Clothes Korea Online Natthida Kanjanarunsee and Chinnaso Visitnitikija | 32 |
10 | Positive Attitude of Students with Disabilities Towards Vocational Courses in Inclusive Education in The Perspective of Sustainable Development Shavanam Kumari, Ragini Tyagi, Ravin Kumar yadav, Prof. Lajawti | 36 |
11 | Determining Factors Affecting Food Waste Behavior Among Young Adults in Bangkok Khire Rushikesh Ulhas, Sujarinee Deewong, Adam Edward Bell and Sutapa Debbarma | 41 |
12 | Educating future Computer Science Teachers to use the DQN Machine learning Algorithm with ROS Meruyert Serik, Nassipzhan Duisegaliyeva and Aigul Sadvakassova | 46 |
13 | Development of CCUS Project in Thailand: Initiation and Collaboration of Parties Kreangkrai Maneeintr | 51 |